Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

Top 3 posts for you on Google+ this week

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Here are the top 3 posts for you on Google+ this week.
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Should Facebook be Nationalized?

Facebook has become a "public good" and an "important social resource" for research and other things, according to Philip N. Howard writing in +Slate

Meanwhile, the company is "behaving badly" towards users and its future existence is uncertain. 

So maybe it should be nationalized, according to Howard -- taken over by the government and run as a government service like the US Postal Service is. 

+300 - 406 comments - 93 sharesView or comment on this post »

 6,75,000 gallons of water falls per second at the beautiful Niagara falls
+1843 - 500 comments - 552 sharesView or comment on this post »
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